sans has been acting strangely, and pap is confused to... understand what has...occurred.
What is wrong with Sans, and who is Gaster? This is such a reused Description. Undertale belongs to Toby Fox.
Before the events of Undertale. . . All was well in the underground. A skeleton named Papyrus was training to be in the Royal Guard and his skeleton brother Sans was part of the Royal Scientist along with their father Gaster. All it took was one day to change the skeleton family forever. Undertale belongs to Toby...
The barrier has been broken for a few years now. Monsters and humans have been living in peace together . . . for the most part. There are rumors about a monster who can somehow change his appearance into a big, scary dragon like skeleton thing. His name is Sans, and as you find out, he's not really that scary, jus...
The barrier is finally broken, and at last all of monsterkind are free to walk on the surface. Again. Sans the Skeleton is skeptical. Why bother getting excited for something that's just going to reset? This is not the first time the barrier is broken, and probably not the last. He feels the need to take a break for e...