Dork Diaries: Next Generation 2
Nina Roberts's days of WCD continues with humiliation, humor, romance, and revenge
Nina Roberts's days of WCD continues with humiliation, humor, romance, and revenge
♛ I'm a Fangirl And I don't do calm. This is a book full of all the struggles of being a fangirl, facts about our favorite tv shows and books. Also a book where I rant about the people I ship and why they aren't dating yet? I will also add your rants to book. All you have to do is message me your rant and I'll copy...
nikki and brandom find out about things they hardly expect
Since Nikki got to the school Mackenzie had away tried everything in her power to make Nikki's life Miserable. But why is that? Mackenzie the most popular girl at school targeting Nikki Maxwell a complete dork. What happens when Nikki try's befriending Mackenzie? Will they become friends or will Nikki's actions led t...
Nikki got a new phone but will that be enough to br populaur?