this book is a poem collection. it holds onto the different faces of life I've been through and negotiating the difference between my older and younger self. 《 TRIGER WARNING 》 $UCIĎE AND $ŮIÇIDAL TAUGHTS S.A E.D De@th and trauma
this book is a poem collection. it holds onto the different faces of life I've been through and negotiating the difference between my older and younger self. 《 TRIGER WARNING 》 $UCIĎE AND $ŮIÇIDAL TAUGHTS S.A E.D De@th and trauma
إِنَّها صفحات قصيرة تروي بداية الإلهام... تلك الرّوح التي استجابت لروحي و تمّمت ما كُتِبَ ليكون. ليست بقصّة بل هي بداية المسيرة بين زوايا الأحرف و هي ركائزُ الحياة و حكايتها... Ce sont de courtes pages qui racontent le début de l'inspiration ... cet esprit qui a répondu à mon âme et a accompli ce qui était écrit pour...