Roommates (REWRITING)
I have to do this, I have to. I kept telling myself that as I leaned closer and closer to her beautiful face. Wait.....WHAT?? No, it's just a dare, you don't have time to develop emotions James. Think think think!! But I couldn't once her soft lips were pressed against mine. What happens when y...
Zij kende hem niet, maar hij haar wel. Al te goed zelfs. Na al die jaren observeren en alle informatie over haar verzamelt te hebben, is het tijd. Eindelijk kunnen ze beginnen met hun project. Het project. In dit verhaal zal je erachter komen wat 'het project' nou werkelijk inhoudt. Ook waarom Jason er werkt, want waa...
"You're so lame." Alexander comments as he walks into the kitchen. "Shut up, I don't care." I scoff as I continue to make myself a sandwich. "You know, maybe guys will notice you more once you stop wearing your father's clothes." He teases and at that moment, I turn around to face him and give him a fuming glare. ...