Zodiac Signs
You're a Taurus ? Your friend is a Gemini ? Your mom's a Libra ? Come on in and get to know what the signs really are . According to sources , everything in this book is 75%* accurate . So , comment and like . Have fun
You're a Taurus ? Your friend is a Gemini ? Your mom's a Libra ? Come on in and get to know what the signs really are . According to sources , everything in this book is 75%* accurate . So , comment and like . Have fun
This is just a normal zodiac book. Have fun reading it!!!! written in like 2014-2016???... idk it's ancient. so sorry if a lot has changed since then. please don't be mad at me!! also i should mention, i found these on the internet (credit to those people).
Hey :) This is my first Zodiac book so if you read that would be great :) You can request oneshots too. I can do all types of oneshots so go ahead and ask!