"It's around that time you know?" Gin's voice was low and gravelly, like he was almost near tears. It was enough to make Yasu's heart ache painfully in his chest. "When that last persimmon falls, I'm sure I'll die right after it."
"It's around that time you know?" Gin's voice was low and gravelly, like he was almost near tears. It was enough to make Yasu's heart ache painfully in his chest. "When that last persimmon falls, I'm sure I'll die right after it."
Gin loves the rain. He likes it too much, Hiromi thinks. Love it the way he loves everything, wholly, completely, with total and absolute abandon. Its quite possibly, Hiromi thinks, is one of the things that he likes the most about him.
This is the biography up about a chat room group named "The Blue Dragon's HQ" and I talk about the events that led the group and I up to the present time. Enjoy. (Art by Gin) Disclaimer: I don't own and none of these people (no duh.) But this is all based on what I remember and the true events of the past.
This is exactly what it looks like. (Cover by Sakura Kazusa) Shizu - Alice Gin - White Rabbit Naku - Hatter Hiromi - March Hare Sakura - Cheshire Yasu - Catterpillar Itsaki - Knave of Hearts Zac - Bloodhound Starmine - Duchess Mittie - Queen Of Hearts Sam - Doremouse
Its a little early, but its come to my attention I may not be able to be with you on your birthday my dear. Happy birthday, Shizuko dear. Cover photo by Alexander Knowls You'll find his work here: