Paris in the Rain ✓
"Every fairytale begins in the rain." When you run into an old bookshop in the middle of Paris to escape a storm, who knows who you might meet there. {Written 2014.}
"Every fairytale begins in the rain." When you run into an old bookshop in the middle of Paris to escape a storm, who knows who you might meet there. {Written 2014.}
" Tu ne te rends pas compte de comment tu te comportes, connard! Tu m'embrasses, tu me repousses, comme toujours! Ça m'apprendra! Putain qu'est-ce qui cloche avec toi?" Je m'avançai vers lui en le défiant du regard. "Tu as peur que je développe des sentiments pour toi? Je suis vraiment désolée de t'annoncer que ça n...
A young man and a woman sit on a hilltop, doomed to watch the same scene play out before their eyes again and again. For how long? Until they remember. {Written 2013.}