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  • Door to Jannah
    495K 41.7K 49

    Rabbi shrahli sadri. wayassirli amri. wahlul uqdatam millisani. yafqahu qawli. [surah Taha] It is said by our prophet (PBUH) that "if a women prays her *five (daily prayers) *fasts her month (Ramadan) *guards her chastity and *obeys her husband, it will be said to her enter paradise by whichever of the gates of paradi...

  • He Has Chosen You
    59.6K 6.6K 72

    ﷽ وَجَاهِدُوا فِي اللَّهِ حَقَّ جِهَادِهِ هُوَ اجْتَبَاكُمْ وَمَا جَعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ مِنْ حَرَجٍ مِّلَّةَ أَبِيكُمْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ هُوَ سَمَّاكُمُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ مِن قَبْلُ وَفِي هَٰذَا لِيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْكُمْ وَتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ فَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتُوا الزَّكَاةَ وَ...

  • Quiz- Check Out Your Knowledge About Islam
    7.9K 985 38

    #1-nabi. (29/11/18) #1-namaz. (29/11/18) #1-duniya. (29/11/18) #2-salah. (9/10/18) #1- deen. (6/10/18) #1- nabi. (6/10/18) #4- salah. (6/10/18) Bismillahir Rehmanir rahim..... This book is not only for the Muslims But also the non-muslims who are disperate to know about the Islam...

  • Islamic Quotes N Sayings
    148K 14.8K 184

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" ••♥•• "A drop of ink may make a million think." ••♥•• ~4.9.16~

  • Pearls Of Al Quran
    97.9K 2.9K 10

    This book is just a little something to tell you how many benefits there are for you in just ONE Surah Subhaan ALLAH! So many benefits for us in THIS world and the hereafter In Shaa ALLAH! The Qur'an is the book of ALLAH (SWT) it was revealed to Our Beloved Nabi Muhammad (SAW) The Qur'an contains the Key to your Happi...

  • Feär Alläh(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)
    36.6K 2.9K 35

    The help of Allah s w.t is near, but how near are you to Allah s.w.t? This book is full of Islamic collection of reminders for the believers which were not written by me. Please vote and comment.Thank you

  • The True Purpose Of Life
    6.1K 650 33

    Discovering The Truth. We are definitely here on this planet for a reason. It is certainly a shame upon the human intellect when man is not even interested in finding out what the truth is about his existence. God has given us the FACULTY OF REASON. Man is supposed to reason things out objectively and systematically f...

  • Stories From The Quran
    21.7K 1.4K 8

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" In sha Allah Will be sharing stories behind the revelation of surahs from the Quran. 1|8|16

  • Walk Alone Until Allah Sends You Someone To Walk With
    109K 11.4K 41

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamualikum brothers & sisters This is not a novel or fiction. This book is guide for my sisters out there, here i will be writing some stuff that will help you guys in your daily life like what Islam say about Girlfriend & Boyfriend, what is Hala...

  • Diary Pages
    1.8K 260 11

    Ranked loveline -#11 as at 10/09/2018 Ranked lifegoals-#22 as at 12/12/2018 Ranked lifegoals-#7 as at 11/02/2019 Ranked lovegoals-#8 as at 26/04/2019 Ranked lovegoals & loveline -#4 as at 1/05/2019 Ranked collage-#22 as at 6/05/2019 Hello everyone!!!hope all you loving people doing well And this is my very first wat...

  • Psychology Says
    671K 25.7K 174

    Enjoy and comment