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  • Mental (Lams)
    117K 5K 15

    Liar. Insane. Thief. Killer. Manipulative. All of these words have been used to describe, the one and only, Alexander Hamilton. "Beware, it goeth before the fall!"

  • Juvenile Delinquent (Lams)
    73.4K 3.2K 20

    Alexander Hamilton has the choice to go to a camp that will 'straighten him out' or go to juvie, due to his actions that were unimaginable. He chose the camp. This is where he meets John Laurens, who becomes his whole world.

  • Home (Lams Modern AU)
    1.1M 47.9K 34

    Alexander Hamilton has recently been accepted into King's College, and he's scared. He's never had friends growing up, and has too much to say at once. But will his overly energetic room mate change his views of the future ahead of him?
