鹿晗竟然考上了爸爸的研究生? 什么?那个登徒子大流氓竟然就是EXO前成员之一的鹿晗? 喂喂,大流氓明星你给我滚远点! 什么?你还要代替爸爸照顾我? 爸爸,不要啊!他这么帅,我会忍不住下手啦!... 注:拈花姐姐写滴
鹿晗竟然考上了爸爸的研究生? 什么?那个登徒子大流氓竟然就是EXO前成员之一的鹿晗? 喂喂,大流氓明星你给我滚远点! 什么?你还要代替爸爸照顾我? 爸爸,不要啊!他这么帅,我会忍不住下手啦!... 注:拈花姐姐写滴
Fate brought us together. I was too stupid that I've missed you for a year. I was too stupid that I never realized that I have you by my side all the time. When you're holding the umbrella for the people in front of you, don't ever forget that there's a fool behind you, holding umbrella for you, getting wet in the rai...