Zodiac Signs
A list of Zodiac Sign Scenarios.
All by yourself, at the age of 18 you moved out. At your new place you start to notice something strange. Little flickers happening in the corner of your eye every now and then. Suddenly, you see a strange glowing portal. The next thing you know is that you're falling. (You a girl so it's easier on me, if you want you...
Hey :) Here you can find informations about the Hetalia characters. The facts are from www.hetalia.kitawiki.net and de.hetalia.wikia.com
Originální postavy nepatří mě, Anime se jmenuje Hetalia moc doporučuji, v Anime je tento ship Cannon (pokud vím) aaaa ještě nevím jak to bude dlouhé... Takže to by mělo být vše můžeme se do toho pustit !!! . Warning : boy x boy Něco málo není podle pravdy #18 - hetalia #15 - kawaii #31 - aph