The Wattpad Advice Corner
Do you have any burning questions about Wattpad? If you do, then you've come to the right place! This is 'The Wattpad Advice Corner'- do come in. Take a seat. And ask away.
Do you have any burning questions about Wattpad? If you do, then you've come to the right place! This is 'The Wattpad Advice Corner'- do come in. Take a seat. And ask away.
We'll be exploring different aspects of life on Wattpad and sourcing tips and experiences from the WCX community to help you better understand how to improve your craft. We don't claim to know it all, but we've been around the block and we've got lots of answers for you. New chapters/episodes Mondays, Wednesdays, Frid...
(Book II) This book is for anybody interested in requesting an author interview! Well-known and popular or new and undiscovered, come on inside! The goal is to have a chance at sharing your experience and, first and foremost, to have fun. A simple, fun experience!