Putin x Trump short story
Just a joke, if you're triggered easily than don't read.
Angelina is a mouse. Thomas is a train. Can they ever be?
Mám možnosť robiť kurwu v najlepšom klube alebo žiť normálny život. Čo sa stane keď sa zamilujem do Alexa no on ma bude len využivat? Skončim? Ako sa rozhodnem...
It's the 40th day of Jesus' temptation when things take a turn for the worst: Satan gets sexy. --- Hey y'all. I posted this YEARS ago but for some reason, it was taken down. So being the rebel I am, I'm uploading it bc you dirty whores seem to love it so much ;) I am also considering writing an angsty part 2 due to th...
Dracula falls for a man he shouldn't, a man who by all accounts is too good for him, out of his league, a man who is engaged to another. How can Dracula go on knowing his soulmate Julius is in love with another?
Sú odlišní. On žije v magickom svete, ktorému vládne. Je krutý, zlý, bezcitný. Roznáša strach po celom svojom kráľovstve. Ona je len obyčajný človek na našej planéte. Snaží sa byť dobrá, pracovitá, nápomocná. Stala sa zdravotnou sestrou, aj keď jej sny boli odlišné. Jej život jej však nevy...