A love like a Flower
Love is kind of like a flower, it's beautiful but fragile if you pick it up it dies so all you are left with to do is glance and just appreciate it while you can.
Love is kind of like a flower, it's beautiful but fragile if you pick it up it dies so all you are left with to do is glance and just appreciate it while you can.
It's a poetic love story, for true love sees within oneself. Not what's on the outside, but on the inside. Unfortunately love also hurts for there are times when such love is one sided and forever will it remain as such.
القصه تحكي عن فتاه تمر بضروف سيئه وتتمنى عيش حياه طبيعيه مثل باقي الفتيات من عمرها لكنها تعيش اغرب قصه حب .......... تابعو روايتي سأنزل بارت جديد كل ثلاثاء وجمعه ادعموني من فضلكم