How to get Senpai to Notice you for Dummies
The bestest guide for getting your senpai to notice you! The ultimate way to run with bread in your mouth! Real life senpai stories! Holy hecking heck thanks for 75,000 reads :O
The bestest guide for getting your senpai to notice you! The ultimate way to run with bread in your mouth! Real life senpai stories! Holy hecking heck thanks for 75,000 reads :O
Have you always liked senpai? But senpai never noticed you? Well, here's many ways to get Senpai to notice you! •May mention/include :/ gore/ death/ cannibalism/ Yanderes/ disturbing themes/ etc. •Send me ideas via comment section or private messenger! I'll give you a shoutout when I use your idea! Edit: Thank you al...