*Complete* Brittany and Santana are stuck in lockdown alone when COVID-19 strikes.
*Complete* Brittany and Santana are stuck in lockdown alone when COVID-19 strikes.
Brittany Pierce is the Sticky Note Girl in their office she can't refused almost everyone. She is a simple and an ordinary office girl.But when fate brought her to meet rich and famous Santana Lopez,her world will definitely turned upside down when she loses her virginity to her in an unbelievable accident. Yes, it wa...
Dos mundos distintos, dos clases sociales diferentes, sus vidas eran vidas opuestas
Santana's Parents go out of town for a Month, They get her a baby sitter, Santana is 16 but when Santana meets her Baby sitter 'Brittany' what will happen? Brittany is 19 and takes the job for extra money. Even though she has a good paying job already.
I need this. I need to win this. I am the hottest girl in this show. And the bachelor is already drooling over me. Well, not until SHE join in the picture. This blue-eyed blonde vet. She will be the death of me.
Brittany moved to New York after she left school to get a job in dance. she gets basically rich but doesn't show it. She keeps it on the down low so people don't think differently of her. Santana comes to Starbucks looking for a job. When Brittany sees Santana what will she do? Brittany is 19 didn't Graduate high scho...
AU. The problem isn't that Santana wants to hire new employees. She's overwhelmed at work, you can't fault her for that. The problem is she wants a certain blonde employee in more ways than just professionally. Side Faberry and Kurtbastian.
Que harías si te reencuentras con tu mejor amiga y el amor platónico de tu adolescencia, aun más debes vivir con ella y su inmensa locura Al terminar la universidad Santana quiere independizarse de sus padres y busca ayuda de su amiga Rachel que la mete en el mayor lío de su vida, así aprende a sacarle el máximo part...
Brittany es una princesa, y con eso vienen las responsabilidades. Como casarse con la rara espécimen intersexual y cavernícola Reina Santana, quien parece más una guerrera que una Reina. Todo sobre Santana es intenso. En especial la forma en que la mira. Pero ella ha sido comprometida a Santana, y no hay como escapars...
Secuela de No Quiero Seguir. Después de un pasado dificil, las chicas quieren formar una familia. Como era de esperar, las cosas no serán fáciles y algo hará que su relación corra serio peligro... ¿Será su amor capaz de mantenerse puro?
Brittany y Santana viven en Nueva York pero no se conocen. Ambas han tenido vidas muy duras y deciden suicidarse. Su intento fracasa y son enviadas a un hospital psiquiátrico. ¿Serán capaces de darse una oportunidad o su deseo de morir será más fuerte?
Brittany es sorda y eso le ha supuesto una barrera para encontrar el amor... Hasta que conoce a Santana...
Santana is staying at the Fabray's while her parents are on vacation. after church, she meets a girl that she can only describe as an angel. Fighting her 'condition', Santana is doing whatever it takes to not be alone and together with her angel. will she fight the fear, her fear?
(Completed) Santana is a college student, studying abroad with her best friend Quinn. She's never been on her own and has always had someone controlling her every move. When she meets Brittany, her point of view starts to change and everything she's been taught is questioned. (Self Discovery type of story) ...Brittana...
BRITTANA!!!! Sipnosis: Santana esta a punto de casarse con el amor de su vida Brittany, al momento de verla miles de recuerdos llegan a su mente, y asi es como narra todo lo que tuvo que pasar para llegar a ese dia. Parte uno: Te amo más Parte dos: Acepto
25 year old Santana Lopez is the best Cardio Thoracic (Heart and Lung) surgeon in the nation. People come from all over the world just to get treated by her. However, this skilled Latina is a complete bitch, but it doesn't matter how bad your attitude is when you're the nation's best Cardio surgeon. On the other hand...
"Do I know you?" Brittany mumbled her hand sweating like a river as she look at the Latina in front of her, the memories of the past came flashing back like she was about to pass out. The wedding. The flowers. Everything. AU Brittana and Brittana.
This story was originally published as "Unexpected" but I took it down and rewrote the entire thing. It's the same plot but I took a different route with the story. I hope you guys enjoy this new version. Santana Lopez despises Quinn Fabray. Quinn Fabray hates Santana Lopez. But when Santana becomes attracted to Quinn...
Brittany Pierce-Evans and her husband Sam moved to California for Sam's modeling career. Brittany is tired of staying at home everyday waiting for Sam to come home so she decides to get a job. Little does she know that working at Lopez Marketing and Management will be more than she bargained for. Highest Ranking - #...
By the time Heather and Naya figure out they feel more than friendship for each other will they be too scared to let it show or be bold enough to let it grow. Sometimes it's not just about falling in love. Sometimes it's about having the guts to do it and to hold on to it.
No es mía esta historia, es una adaptación que la he sacado de gleeklatino.
Santana Lopez has always hated Christmas. Ever since her seemingly in love parents crushed her world on the eve of her fifth Christmas, the Latina has basically been the grinch. The divorce hit her like it would any five year old, and she forever resented the holiday season. Everyone was so fucking happy while she was...
Brittany and Santana are two teenage girls from what seems like different communities, until they realize how much they have in common. After meeting in an unlikely location, they slowly begin bonding, and breaking down barriers.
Brittany S. Pierce es la compositora de canciones más importante y galardonada de los últimos tiempos, elaborando canciones para las mas grandes estrellas y también colaborando en grandes éxitos. Santana López es la nueva gran estrella de la música, el público la adora, pero en el medio tiene fama de ser engreída y ar...
Brittany se muda a Roma para trabajar como guía turística y allí se reencontrará a dos personas de su pasado que nunca pensó que volvería a ver
Brittany era un ángel que había bajado a la tierra simplemente porque se sentía aburrida o sentía que algo le faltaba en el cielo. Ella quería descubrir como se sentiría ser un humano, como se sentiría estar vivo... Pero al principio no todo salio como ella se lo esperaba, pues descubrió que en la tierra no todo el mu...
Lo último que Brittany Pierce quería oír era que su esposa a la que había intentado olvidar había pasado el último año injustamente encarcelada en Brasil y necesitaba que la visitara. Estaba dispuesta a hacer su papel a cambio de la firma de Santana en la solicitud de divorcio. Pero no había contado con que la impresi...