عندما نقول انهُ عميق في كل شي فلا تنسى ايضاً عندما تعرف انه حزين فأن حزنهُ عميق جداً، المشكله بسبب تظاهره الدائم انه بخير، فقذ ظننتم حقاً بأنه لا يتأثر بشيء. #INTJ
عندما نقول انهُ عميق في كل شي فلا تنسى ايضاً عندما تعرف انه حزين فأن حزنهُ عميق جداً، المشكله بسبب تظاهره الدائم انه بخير، فقذ ظننتم حقاً بأنه لا يتأثر بشيء. #INTJ
It's lonely at the top... Being one of the most intellectually advanced, analytical, and judgmental personality types, life is quite difficult. Perpetually living as a misunderstood, supposedly villainous genius. Delve into the mind of an INTJ. It may be horrifyingly wonderful.
I'm not mad. I'm not sad. And I'm not depressed. I just like alone time. And that's okay. Right?... Wrong. My parents think there is something wrong with me. Apparently I'm a defect, a flaw in social society. And I must be fixed. So I was forced into therapy. I thought I was alone through all this, but then I reali...