Short story featuring Tom Hardy as a face claim. A couple having a night out...
Danielle Cassidy turns on the news to see her old childhood neighbour and best friend, Tommy Conlon, who she hasn't seen in ten years. She does everything in her power to see him again, which brings up old, forgotten memories and feelings. Things are going well, but there are some things you can't run from. *From my f...
Bane survives Selina's attack and is now living low-key in Africa. Natalie, an American currently living Morocco, returns a mask to an injured Bane. Unexpectedly she ends up staying with him and learns his story and that there is more to this man than meets the eye. ...but an evil is brewing over the horizon - an...
From my account. "No matter how hard I try to get away from it all. Gotham is like an infection, a disease...and once it gets hold of you...there's no turning back." On her way home from work, Julia Nichols, an ex GCN reporter, gets an offer - and she agrees to it, before she realizes just what she has gotten...
Eames' life after Inception - He returns home and has to put his life back together. Prior to Inception, he was forced to abandon his wife and young daughter after a mission gone wrong. Can things really go back to normal? Will his wife ever truly forgive him? After everything is said and done, does his wife have a se...