The Ann Dawson Case
This mystery/thriller short story follows the case of Ann Dawson, a murdered teenager, as a psychologist pieces together the oddities of the town and solves the holes in the case.
This mystery/thriller short story follows the case of Ann Dawson, a murdered teenager, as a psychologist pieces together the oddities of the town and solves the holes in the case.
A Paranormal Thriller Psychology professor Denton Reed has been pulled out of the classroom to find a killer. Bodies are turning up all over the quiet town of Bexhill. They are found dismembered and burned beyond recognition in a snow covered farmer's field, by the abandoned mill, and under the train bridge. The only...
WATTPAD ORIGINAL EDITION Seven letters, seven confessions, seven clues. Elliot Parker has what he needs to find out who killed his best friend... But is he hunting down the killer? Or is the killer hunting him? ***** When Colton Crest returns, unhar...