The Unraveling of a Journey...
"Little Women" follows the lives of four sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March – and is loosely based on the author's childhood experiences with her three sisters.
Tomini is faced with the challenges that come with final year of secondary school. Her cold and strict father doesn't make the journey any easier. In the middle of her struggle, her life takes an abrupt twirl that changes everything. This story is set in Lagos, Nigeria.
This story is based on a true life story. Adesua is forced to attend a new school against her wishes. Fortunately for her, she finds her first love in the same school with her. What happens when she finds out that he feels the same way towards her? Just as everything starts going right, it all starts to go wrong. Rea...
The first rule of Superhero School: Don't call it Superhero School. Anna Green is not good at Superhero School. In fact, she's the worst student at Paramount Lake Academy for Troubled Youth. She can barely hold her own in hand to hand combat class, she interrupts every teacher's lessons, and she barely has a Gift. Not...