A story revolving around four friends. They have been together since kindergarten to high school with the strength of their friendship. There never comes a day without seeing each other. They are more than a word friends. But when the betrayal, ego and hurt mingle with each other. Will their friendship remains or beco...
A university female graduate desperately looking for a job to avoid poverty and put herself in the limelight of society
Jason , a novice in life - but dreams big . Vittoria , his girlfriend , ever supporting . What began with a Lottery ticket , now has flung wide open , jason-vittoria , land themselves in immortal trouble , amidst the lushes of rook's island. A story of love , self-knowledge and sacrifice.
Fourteen year old Fabienne, Cousin to the King, is living in the lap of luxury in the french royal court of Versailles. Little does she know that she is about to be caught between two sides of a revolution, will she stay loyal to her family or will she fight for what she believes to be right and the boy she loves. 202...