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  • In Silence (Book 1) || Loki X Reader
    230K 7.3K 43

    Tony Stark is an expert in finding hidden 'talents' in people and he didn't resist doing the same with you. As hard as you tried to hide the truth from him, you soon realised you can't hide from Iron Man. Before you knew it you were the newest member in the Avengers team and you were living in a tower full of legends...

  • Loki x reader
    92K 2.2K 13

    You're a fresh member of the avengers and he's living there only because Thor is a big and scary man. At first you liked him, until he started to ignore you. Sometimes it felt like he forgot that you exist. But he's like a kid, pulling his crush's hair, because he doesn't know any better. -My first story, it's not go...

  • US AS ONE (A Loki x Reader)
    291K 10.2K 20

    You grew up with a gift. You also had a hard childhood to face but one young boy helped you through it. As you got older you asked the Avengers to work with them being that no other job would take you with your 'gift'. You were accepted and along the way you meet the boy from your childhood but he's not a boy anymore...

  • Captured
    243K 7.5K 31

    Loki x reader Y/N Stark, ordinary girl who lives with the Avengers. "Not so ordinary after all." Thor had said once. Well, wasn't mind reading normal? No? Okay then. Your life is pretty much like every other girl's in your age. School, school, homework. (and in your case, missions with the team.) Until the day Loki...

  • Everything || Loki x Reader
    2.5M 86.8K 26

    Being immortal and an Avenger has it's perks. Although the bullets and stab wounds hurt as much as any normal being, (Y/N) (L/N) could handle anything. Until the God of Mischief showed up. After being held prisoner for long months, Loki finally agreed to try out the 'hero thing' and join The Avengers, but he doesn't...

  • Not A Villain | Loki x Reader
    2M 67K 42

    When y/n l/n is first discovered by the Avengers, they think that she is a villain. When they get to know her, however, they find that she is the complete opposite. They keep her under Loki's careful eye because he was in the same position as her a year ago. The Avengers show her what it's like to be a hero, but Loki...

  • Billionaire Daughter Y/n Stark
    701K 19.4K 150

    Y/n Stark Secret Daughter of the in famous Tony Stark, Living your life as a secret was all fun and games until you got into some trouble with some co-workers, on the run you visited your dear father. Trying to escape your past, it is proven difficult to hide it from him. Growing close to the members your five month...

    Completed   Mature
  • Loki's Angel (Loki Fan fic)
    830K 33K 59

    Loki's angel has been watching him and protecting him since the day she woke up to become an angel. She hides her wings always, keeping down a secret while protecting Loki from backfiring plans and the Avengers. But what happens when she ends up being found out? Will Loki realize what she's been doing for him? Will th...

  • musubi┃loki laufeyson (✓)
    149K 8.8K 20

    " I just want to know your name. " | It would be a foreign language resting between their jaws. Waiting to be said, yet no matter how many times they've met through the peculiarity of their dreams - their names would always be a question, waiting to be asked over and over again once they wake up. [©-asgardians ] #349...

  • Young God | L. Laufeyson
    2M 97.8K 67

    ▷Set before Thor: The Dark World and includes Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Thor: Ragnarok A simple accident turned into a huge misunderstanding and that's what basically led to Aurora's imprisonment on Asgard. As if the situation wasn't difficult enough, she also landed in the cell next to the God of Mischief, L...

  • My Prisoner // LokixReader
    373K 13.7K 23

    You're Clint's and Natasha's daughter. You work for SHIELD as well, but they don't let you do any of the dangerous things. When a certain God Of Mischief comes to rule earth, The Avengers capture him, and you get set on gaurd duty. Great. Another boring job, right? Wrong.

  • ephemeral ━━ 𝘓. 𝘓𝘈𝘜𝘍𝘌𝘠𝘚𝘖𝘕 ✔
    432K 16.7K 53

    ❝ look into my eyes, and you'll see, that deep within them, a part of you, is inside me.❞ for which a gloriously cursed girl bears the gloriously burdened power of loki in asgard cover by: me [ obv. ] ♡ @blythe_a | ephemeral mcu | post-avengers the god of mischief | SLOWLY EDITING

  • Not Alone (Loki Fan Fic)
    408K 14.1K 59

    I thought I was the only one in Asgard that was alone. The only one who was different or in my case a frost giant, a monster. But soon I found out I wasn't the only one here that was just like me. And after all these years I'm finally not alone. (©Poison_Ivy99)

  • Lies (A Loki/Avengers fanfiction)
    200K 9.9K 14

    My whole life is a lie. Everything you know about me is trick; every story I tell is one of fiction. I will deceive you. And I will draw you into the fantasy that is my life. My name is Ash. And that was my first lie. Copyright @Jadewritesastory

  • Loki Fluffy one shots :)
    53.7K 1.3K 18

    Just some fluffy Loki one shots. I do not do smut so don't read it if you're into that stuff ;) ⚠️NONE OF THE CHARACTERS ARE MINE! ALL OF THEM BELONG TO MARVEL⚠️ Female reader Slow updates (Some of these one-shots could also be used as shifting scripts)

  • Exam Day
    76.3K 3K 13

    Imagine Loki walking you home after a long school day.

  • The Witch's Familiar
    2.5M 87.8K 79

    You're a witch working with the team.Thor brings Loki to live at the Avenger's tower after the events in New York. Problem is, Loki is in cat form and refuses to change back.

    Completed   Mature
  • As one. Always. (A Loki fan fiction)
    3.5M 100K 35

    What if Loki was supposed to attack Earth? What if it was a prophecy? Noelle is the offspring of a demi-god and a human. Raised on earth, the halfling was close to death when she woke up in Asgard. Her life will never be the same, especially after she meets Loki, Odin's second son. From the moment they met, their love...

  • Another Universe: Loki x Fem!reader
    1.1M 45.9K 40

    🚨[HEAVY EDITING (editing on hold)]🚨 DISCLAIMER! This story was made in 2020 so any information about future Marvel works will be as if the reader is still from 2020! (Heavy cringe warning too, sorry y'all) ‼️ALSO CHANGING FROM FEM TO GENDER NEUTRAL‼️ ~~~ Y/n seems to go to sleep as usual, that is until a weird blue...

  • Potřebuji Tě [Loki FF CZ]
    55.3K 3.7K 29

    Každý potřebuje lásku, spřízněnou duši... i někdo jako Loki. Jak se to stane, si můžeš přečíst v tomto FF příběhu. Děj se odehrává po filmu Thor: Ragnarok. Některé skutečnosti jsem si upravila (Thór s Jane zůstali spolu, Hela zemřela, Ásgard ani Thórovo kladivo nebylo zničeno; Valkýra (Tessa Thompson) nebyla poslední...

    Completed   Mature
  • Hon na čarodějnice | ᶠʳᵒˢᵗʷⁱᵗᶜʰ
    13.7K 1.7K 44

    ,,𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄?" -·=»‡«=·- 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧 je schopný udělat všechno pro to, aby dosáhl toho, k čemu byl vždy předurčen. 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 se nebojí učinit zvěrstva pro to, aby ochránil svůj lid před tyranií. 𝐁𝐚�...

  • The Maximoff Triplets | Loki x Reader
    1.2M 39.4K 29

    "It's easier to do if my life is in danger. Here, throw it at me," I said, handing the knife to him. Y/n Maximoff is the youngest Maximoff triplet and she is known as Lady Elemental to the public, thanks to her powers. Her siblings are overprotective, as is the rest of the team. It doesn't help when the infamous god...

  • Forbidden love
    77.2K 3.7K 31

    Všichni mi říkali, ať se od něj držím dál, ale nemohla jsem. Něco mě k němu táhlo a já nevěděla co. Snad to byly ty jeho krásné modré oči.

  • Monster [Loki FF] ✓
    82.1K 5.1K 53

    16ti letá dívka jménem Chloé nezná svůj původ a má schopnosti, co ostatní nemají. Jinak je to obyčejná holka, která chodí na školu, má ráda svého otce, má nejlepší kamarádku... Ale jednou se vše zvrtne. ,,Nikdy jsem si nepomyslela, že mi jediný výlet změní život." Co s ní bude dál? Oficiálně dokončeno 1.6.2019 6.6.20...

  • Procitnutí V Temnotě (ff Loki)
    4.1K 476 30

    Ahoj, tento příběh je výsledkem sázky. Proto nebude nic moc, ale i tak se vám třeba zalíbí. Snažila jsem se, aby byl co nejlepší. !!nezapadá do časové linky filmů!! Jmenuji se Dolieag (severské jméno. znamená vládkyně světa) a jsem plná hořkosti i nenávisti k celému světu. Ztratila jsem otce i matku a jediné, co mi z...

  • In Love With A Criminal: Neflheim Witch
    21.6K 1.3K 31

    Pokračování příběhu In Love With A Criminal.. Uběhl rok od Lokiho "smrti" a u Catherine se toho hodně změnilo. Spolupracuje s S.H.I.E.L.D.em a s Avengers.. Co se ale stane, když se Loki vrátí, dokáže mu Catherine odpustit? A co když Catherine zjistí, že není tak úplně člověk? A miluje ještě vůbec Lokiho? A co on ji? ...

  • Až do konce || Loki+ Avengers ff
    32.4K 2.5K 31

    [DOKONČENO] |3. díl.| ,,Dotáhneme to až do konce." Po tom co se odehrál Ragnarok, všichni doufali, že bude klid, to by to ovšem nebylo ono, kdyby se zase něco nepokazilo. Ten klid totiž narušen titánem Thanosem, který si šel pro kámen nekonečna. Jak dopadne boj s Thanosem? Upozornění: Obsahuje spoilery k filmům Aveng...

  • Nenávist nemá daleko od lásky||Loki ff
    161K 9.6K 42

    [DOKONČENO] |1. díl| Trošku drzá holka s normálním životem, do kterého se jí připlete nemilá věc- superschopnosti. Nežádala se o ně, nechtěla je a neuměla je ovládat, emoce je totiž ovládaly za ní. Poté, když šla po městě jí někdo nařídil ať poklekne a toho ona určitě poslouchat nechtěla.. Jednou za čas se objeví vulg...

  • Adopted
    32.2K 1.9K 26

    Natali je 16ti letá dívka, která celý život touží žít v normální rodině na kraji města. Ale nikdy neměla štěstí to zažít. A už ani mít nebude. Z její matky se stala alkoholička, která neustále střídá partnery a Natali se musí často a nedobrovolně stěhovat. Ale to nejhorší teprve přijde, když jí matka ve svavu opilosti...

  • Forever yours (Loki x Sigyn)
    38.8K 3.3K 73

    Tento příběh se odehrává po filmu Thor: Ragnarok, kdy byl Thor, Loki a mnoho dalších zajati neznámou lodí. Asgardská loď s posledními převživšími byla zajata a je v rukou nepřátel. Co všechno je Loki, Thor a Hulk schopni udělat pro svobodu. Může Loki najít i skutečnou lásku? Čtěte a dozvíte se... 7.4 - 167. místo v...