The Bellerophron Award 2020
OPEN (🥀) CLOSED ( ) JUDGING ( ) welcome to the Bellerophron awards 2020, we are open
OPEN (🥀) CLOSED ( ) JUDGING ( ) welcome to the Bellerophron awards 2020, we are open
👑Does your book have what it takes to win an award?? 👑 Would you like to participate in writing contests and improve your skills? 👑 Do you think your book isn't getting the attention it deserves? Then the Icon Awards is just for you 👑 Welcome 👑 OPEN(✍️) CLOSED JUDGING
[] open for contestants and judges [⭐] judging [] closed Another awards hosted by @emmiepooh2 and @softyhartz . This is an award for you to join to get the recognition you deserve. We are very open-minded and friendly. Everyone is welcome, no matter if it is your first awards or your thousandth. Hope to see you join!
Judging (✓) Closed (✓) Bonjour, Olá, Konnichiwa, Salam! Introducing you to the first of its kind... THE PEACOCK AWARDS! This awards will pose as an international recognition of excellence in writing achievements, as assessed by the open-minded and courteous judges that are handpicked by the The Diagon Community's Crea...
Welcome to The Universal Awards A platform to show your creative books and get the deserving awards. We will find the best creative books and award them. If you think your book is creative and worth winning do enter them. () open (🌏)Judging ()closed
HGA IS CLOSED [ X] O P E N [ X] J U D G I N G [ 💓] C L O S E D The first ever edition of The Hidden Gem Awards is here! This award contest is for all the undiscovered writers out there to help your hidden gems be recognized! This is my first time ever hosting an awards contest... I have some more free time lately an...