Much Ado About Writing
While I'm not a published author, I like to believe I've learnt a lot already about writing in general. This is a collection of articles, thoughts and personal experiments about our craft.
While I'm not a published author, I like to believe I've learnt a lot already about writing in general. This is a collection of articles, thoughts and personal experiments about our craft.
Are you a budding sci-fi author? Do you need the many different sub genres of SF defined? A lot of people do so if you're one of them... this is where you need to look!
"Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not." - Isaac Asimov This piece is intended as a bit of a Help guide, a point of reference and hopefully something people will enjoy, as ultimately all of you will have different experiences reading...
Want to know what it's like to be an everyday critic in a place like wattpad? Come here, let me show you Critic Land, where we are abused by authors, or given chocolate for our efforts. You can learn tips on how to be a better critic, learn how to be a gracious author, and overall just see through our eyes what it's l...
This is a guide for people who want to make their writing technically correct, or who want to know what to look for while proofreading.