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  • Co takhle rande, Evansová?!
    3.2M 182K 77

    Jak se James a Lily mohli dát dohromady? Jak Pobertové prožívali svůj poslední ročník? Jak vypadal jejich život po opuštění bezpečí, které jim poskytovaly Bradavice? To vše a mnohem více se dočtete v této povídce. UPOZORNĚNÍ: Pokud Ti je méně než 12 let, tak si tento příběh prosím schovej do wattpad knihovny a pár le...

  • Padmé wird zum Jedi
    2.5K 119 16

    Dies ist eine ausgedachte Geschichte. :) Sie beschreibt Padmé Amidala, die aufeinmal von der Macht erwählt wird ein Jedi zu werden. Dies in einem schönen Abenteuer. Leute seit ehrlich, wer hat sich nicht manchmal gewünscht, das Padmé ein Jedi wäre? 🤔 Also ich schon, deswegen diese Geschichte, Viel Spaß!!!❤️

  • You're my Padawan
    25.1K 795 26

    Ahsoka Tano wird Anakin Skywalker als Padawan zugeteilt. Aus anfänglichen Problemen wird jedoch Freundschaft und sie werden sich nicht nur einmal gegenseitig aus brenzligen Situationen retten. Aber wieso hat Ahsoka so Angst ihren Meister zu verlieren und warum hinterfragt Anakin den Weg der Jedi? Die Geschichte spiel...

  • Love in the Dark
    45.2K 939 19

    This story takes place seven years after the events of ROTS. Padmé has survived childbirth and lives in secrecy on Naboo with her family. Luke and Leia are slowly growing up and are questioning the identity of their father, as well as what happened to him. The ex-senator is doing everything in her power to protect th...

  • Your Secret's Safe With Us
    34.8K 909 15

    When Anakin Skywalker arrives on Naboo with Senator Amidala as her Jedi Protector, everything in his life changes. His whole life experience takes a turn, including the plot of the story of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. After what has felt like forever of trying to win Padmé's love, Anakin finally succeeds. He fall...

  • Star Wars: Short Stories
    1.3K 30 4

    Short stories and one-shots from StarWars. The Clone Wars time period is the main focus here, but I'll be adding in some from other periods too! Disclaimer: I do not own StarWars or any of the characters mentioned unless specified.

  • Clone Wars: Battlefield
    13.2K 229 15

    Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Anakin are sent on a mission, but one crash can ruin their plans.

  • Hope
    5K 143 6

    After Ahsoka left the Jedi Order she had to fight a last battle, the final one. She had to face something completely new, something she wasn't familiar with yet. It was the longest and most debilitating battle she ever had to fight. It was hard and she did totally change.

  • I will find her...
    1.4K 27 4

    Star Wars Fanfiction

  • What if she agreed?
    2K 66 6

    •° This is based off Season 7 Episode 10 of the Clone Wars, So if you haven't watched I suggest you do not read °• What if Ahsoka agreed with Maul and still sided with him after he said he would kill Anakin? What if the troops of both sides agreed? What would they do about Sidious? What would the Jedi do? This is what...

  • Ahsoka's Bully
    11.7K 185 6

    When Ahsoka was a youngling she would always get bullied by a boy but when she was a padawan she was able to escape him, but what would happen if she met him again and was forced to go on a mission with him and Plo, and worst of all he still didn't change and he becomes more physical with her and sexual harassment.

  • What if Ahsoka found out?
    66.5K 1.1K 26

    What if Ahsoka found out that Padmè and Anakin were married in the Clone Wars? Would things be different?

  • A Path Less Taken
    175K 4.2K 52

    A storyline if Anakin left the Jedi Temple with Ahsoka rather than remaining there. Prepare for a different way Anakin looks at the Jedi, the Sith, and his outlook on life as a whole. With one of his closest companions at his side. This is no way related to my other story "The Force Will Guide Us, Together". This is a...
