Okumura Syndicate Ending 3
The events of Okumura Syndicate has led to three paths that Aster and his friends could choose, and the third sees the characters put the pieces into place. (Continues from chapter 153 of Okumura Syndicate.)
The events of Okumura Syndicate has led to three paths that Aster and his friends could choose, and the third sees the characters put the pieces into place. (Continues from chapter 153 of Okumura Syndicate.)
The events of Okumura Syndicate has led to three paths that Aster and his friends could choose, and the second is thought provoking! (Continues from chapter 153 of Okumura Syndicate.)
The events of Okumura Syndicate has led to three paths that Aster and his friends could choose, and the first is brutal! (Continues from chapter 153 of Okumura Syndicate.) The opening for this ending is Loss For Both Sides.
Aster lands in a another world where he finds himself on the private property of a crime syndicate. Initially he isn't accepted, but it is his goal to rise up the ranks and get recognition within the syndicate as it's the only thing he has! Side Note: The first arc I had my friends' help fleshing out the characters, u...