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  • A Carter's Troubles
    488 107 50

    Olivia Carter has lost a lot in her life. Though she still has a couple of people who have stuck by her side. There is her "big sister", Maya. Her best friend, Bradon. And her older cousin Bryce. There are others, the ones she wants to help, but with so much gone and everything going through her mind, will she be able...

  • Poems and Thoughts
    809 239 38

    It's just a bunch of poems I'm writing

  • Rantipole
    427 68 11

    2 years ago. "Move out of my way, I'm gonna kill her!" Dad yelled at mom. "No, leave her alone. She's just a kid, stop!" My mom yelled as she stood in front of me. An 11 year old should not have to live the this but I don't mind, I got my best friend Lilly. "A kid who always break things and gets in my way." Dad y...

  • A Hunter's Trouble (Finished)
    1.3K 408 73

    Maya Hunter likes to help everyone. She always finds the people who need help, well they find her. Her best friend Mason, who is a year younger, is going through a lot of stuff. Maya's other friends are to. She is trying to make sure her friends and "sister" are okay. Her anxiety is making it hard for her to do anythi...