Wattpad Editors' Choice, Winner of the 2020 Fiction Awards (for Best Plot Twist) and 2020 Mafia Romance of the Year. A chance encounter with an enigmatic Russian oligarch turns a young woman into the target of a criminal empire. Caught in a web of deceit, greed, and betrayal that stretches from the depths of Russia's...
Book 2 in the "Life in-" series Ashton and Scarlett have been together for almost two years. Between kids, college, and the never ending chaos of life their bond has stayed strong. She's his sweetheart, his never ending light. He's her Prince Charming. Together they're invincible. But what happens when Ashton's past c...
College Senior, Gracie Taylor was living in a hell of her own making, stuck in a toxic relationship with no end in sight and losing hope with every passing day that her life could be anything different. On the brink of giving up and accepting her misery as an ever-present part of her life, Gracie discovers that happin...
This is a collection of bonus chapters and short stories from the Knight Security Series. Every chapter within this book will give you a description of the characters involved and possible spoilers contained within. This will allow readers to pick and choose what they would like to read based on where they are in the...
(THIRD BOOK in the Golden Girl Series) **** "Till death do you part?" The priest finishes off with. "I do," I answer - knowing how ready I am to die with this man. *** You've been on Amber Marigold's journey since she arrived at Tygerwell. Now join the end of her journey. In the final book to the golden girl series...
Whether it's in between books, plots, chapters or narratives, there's always a story the main book doesn't cover. Life in Between, is a place where I can post mini novellas and bonus chapters with everyone's favorites from Ashton's parents to Easton and Nina.
Book 3 in the "Life in-" series Sage Forest Rhodes thought his entire life was planned out. That was before the love of his life flew home from college, slept with him, and then dumped him on his front doorstep at 2 a.m. Now he's alone, something he never thought could be possible with four siblings, but it's true...