My Fangirling Problems
Just Fangirling things I do in the spare time I don't have.
If you're reading this book, I assume you've already read the first book, The Life of a Fangirl, Basically. If you haven't, I'd suggest you go read that first, but it doesn't really matter. This is basically a collection of fandom memes, quotes, theories etc. The fandoms I'm part of and which are featured in this book...
(Calling All Fangirls of All Fandoms) This is the Book where All Fangirls Can Relate... (Disclaimer: These is from Tumblr, these are not mine)
Have you ever had a fangirl/fanboy friend and you have no idea what they're talking about? Here's an easy helper.
So, yeah. This is a book (well, not actually technically a book, but whatever) all about book nerds! If you belong in one or more fandom (especially, Harry Potter, Rick Riordan, Hunger Games and Divergent), then CONTINUE to have a laugh :)
So my friend Frosteh_Petalz did a book on her crazy life. So I thought why not give it a shot!