gashu x mr krabs
dont ask
The Meme Squad (Komaeda, Sans, Miku and Isabelle) go on an epic quest to kill the bigoted Peter Griffin to let LGBT+ rights rein free Multi-parter bc I'm not sure wtf I'm doing with this, supposed to be a one off but probably gonna be a saga now Fun for the whole family I swear
As the weather gets colder, so do our relationships with our "loved" ones. Nagito Komaeda is stuck in an abusive relationship with a notorious exterminator. Until one night, when a special festival rolls around in the wintry snow, and Komaeda meets someone who would forever change his life. But the question is, will i...
"Wow, you really snatched my weave shuichi........ WIG!! YASSS QUEEEN!!!" as inspired by this video props to ouma's english voice actor Derek Stephen Prince actually saying this