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  • Eau de Tourette
    303K 25.9K 72

    [VINCITRICE WATTYS 2020 - ROMANCE] Parigi. La sindrome di Tourette di Etienne diventa un elefante nella cristalleria quando si scontra con l'ambizione di Mimi nella nuova boutique di profumi Pavonard. 🎀 Note di testa: l'ambiziosa Mimi Dubois, che, dopo anni di sacrifici, è finalmente riuscita ad ottenere il lavoro de...

    Completed   Mature
  • Favole per bambini
    3.7K 48 8

    Una raccolta di storie da leggere ai vostri figli

  • Anonimo Poetico Romantico
    563 106 24

    Poesie e racconti

  • Raccolta di Favole
    402 8 4

    Re, regine, principesse, principi, fate, maghi, streghe, folletti , troll ecc.. , sono questi i protagonisti delle favole e quindi, di questa raccolta. Fantasia ne ho tanta e spero che le storie che racconterò , possano entusiasmarvi. Buona lettura :)

  • Gioele e la Fata Bianca - Le favole di Gioele
    39 4 1

    Uno degli aspetti più belli di raccontare storie a mio figlio è la certezza che quando sarà grande, ricorderà che c'ero, ero lì per leggere con lui. Questo semplice fatto aiuta a instaurare un rapporto intimo, giocoso e insostituibile, sia quando sono presente fisicamente sia quando sono lontano centinaia di chilometr...

  • Racconti per bambini🌸
    2.3K 92 4

    Raccolta di racconti per bimbi, fantasia e creatività all'ordine del giorno!😊🎨 Tutte storie inventate e scritte da me❤️📝

  • I miei pensieri
    405 2 2

    La scrittura per me è un modo per sfogarsi. Spesso nessuno mi capisce, sono incompreso. Perciò ho deciso di raccogliere qui i miei pensieri.

  • Brevi Espressioni,Brevi Confronti
    9 0 6

    Brevi Frasi,Brevi Pensieri

  • Favole
    326 41 15

    questa sezione la dedico ai sogni,racconti non troppo fantastici,magari ne farò una storia vera e propria che dedicherò a tutti e alle mie wattine preferite. Mi divertirò!

  • Raccolta di Fiabe e Favole
    14.6K 243 14

    Non so voi, ma a me è capitato, stando coi cugini più piccoli o facendo la baby sitter, che mi chiedessero di raccontare una fiaba, ma non avendo idee sul momento o un libro a portata di mano, e non conoscendo bene le più classiche inventavo cose assurde oppure raccontavo trame di film. Così ho deciso di creare questa...

  • Le mie Favole
    70 3 1

    Ciao, io adoro scrivere favole e qui ve ne proporrò 1 alla settimana (spero anche in meno tempo). Ovviamente non sono le solite favole con il lieto fine perfetto, cioè, dipende dai punti di vista. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate, ed ogni critica costruttiva è ben accetta

  • Moon's Journey (Moon X Lillie)
    77.9K 1.3K 47

    The story of the precarious young girl from Kanto named Moon. Though she may start off as a partly cynical and overly sadistic girl, Moon paints herself with a shade of confidence in the colorful region of Alola. In her Alolan Journey, Moon inexplicably falls in love with the allure of the fragile fortitude of an equa...

  • Wonder & Wanderlust | Poetry of Roems
    2.8K 312 50

    I didn't know the world I read everyday, had a back page, with links to other mediums, in this metaphorical manifestation of philosophical, poetical mischief. This is a collection of profound poetry experiences, exploring the internal, external, metaphysical, and surrealistically subtle angles of life. Original poems...

  • Theater Cubicles
    564K 27.1K 45

    The American Academy of Arts High School. For Juliette, those seven words mean possibility and achievement. Juliette is ready to embark in the journey of finding her identity in her freshman year at the exclusive arts high school. Previously an outcast for being so talented in the areas of theater and writing, Juliett...

  • The Library Way
    33.8K 1.6K 1

    Books, books, and unfortunately- more books. With summer vacation ticking away, Russell Caldwell is stuck in the meaningless world of classic paperback novels, and babbling-walking-eighty-year-old-zombies. Nothing can possibly save him from the hell that is Riverway's local library...until he spots a mystery girl. [C...

  • Meet Cute
    57.9K 2.8K 8

    Arthur and Arabella really ought to stop meeting like this. [#8 short story / #80 teen fiction]

  • Escapism | Random Oneshots
    97 5 5

    Okay I really have no idea what is this suppposed to be but I guess some short stories or what do you call it? A oneshot? Yep maybe. _atebelle | 2019

  • The Rebel Prince (The Season Series #3)
    3M 219K 70

    Forced to sail to the sun-drenched kingdom of Ardalone to fulfill a marriage alliance, Prince Thomas of Pretania must choose one of the Ardalonian princesses to be his wife. But every choice comes with consequences. Spurned by Thomas' older brother, Princess Dulciana stands to inherit the throne as she is eldest, but...

  • The Heiress Queen (Season Series Prequel)
    2.7M 176K 58

    **The Season Series Prequel (#0.5)** Isabelle de Haviland is hopelessly in love with Prince Leopold of Germania. Fortunately for her, the dashing foreign prince is her betrothed, thanks to a decade-old marriage treaty signed by her father, the Duke of Kentshire. But Kentshire is a rich and bountiful duchy, with Isabel...

  • Short Stories
    921 45 2

    A collection of sci-fi short stories for different contests.

  • Starry Skies(My Poems)
    5.7K 1.1K 41

    Under the starry sky, I talk to God Under a million stars, a thousand thoughts Those silent glittering diamonds, without a warmth, Even in death, do I still admire.. (Poetry, Short story poetry form, and whatever)

  • In Your Love... {Eternal Ishq #1}
    969K 52.1K 46

    UNDER MAJOR EDITING {Eternal Ishq Series - Book One} A well known surgeon, a wannabe model, a would be Aalim, and a simple girl. ~The fate that links these four ~ the changes that are wrought, the tears that are shed, the sufferings that are endured and the hearts that are healed - In Your Love... is not just 'anothe...

  • Moments Of Hilarity In a Mundane Life: Part Three
    59.8K 10.2K 199

    [G] Third installment of the "Moments of Hilarity in a Mundane Life" series. Moments of hilarity in the life of yours truly. Moments may not have occurred exactly as related. Some moments may be reworded/edited due to a memory lapse or for the privacy of involved individuals. ©Sharifah Zaid AlHadhrami

  • How To Be A Unicorn
    18.9K 716 13

    Step By Step How To Guide

  • Thousand Dollar Friend
    39.8K 1.9K 22

    "Make friends with my daughter, and I'll pay you a thousand dollars." Tara's junior year of high school is turned upside down after she collides into the life of Aurora Rosenberg, the autistic teenage heiress to Rosenberg Technologies. Mr. Rosenberg's offer feels wrong... but he says his daughter has no real friends...

  • Short Stories
    137K 2.4K 20

    "Whoever said love is easy, hasn't truly been in love" Its a range from sad stories to happy ending ones, they all are about love . I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to check out my other books too.

  • Short Stories!
    36.4K 427 124

    Cover by @withjejide!! This is a collection of short stories by me! If I have a friend who wrote it I will tag them in it! If you have any suggestions, please tell me! I am always happy to write some more!

  • Short Stories
    3.8K 56 36

    This is a collection of my short stories! Poems are being moved into their own book, so be sure to check that out if you like poetry! This is updated spontaneously so don't expect too many regular updates.

  • Short Stories
    195K 2.2K 12

    mix of fluff, smut, and sad. (These are gay relationships and it's my old writing. My values from back when I wrote them differ from now for some of them. Also 85% of this sucks.)

  • Short Stories
    4.6K 67 17

    Hello! This is a bunch of short stories that aren't being written for an assignment (Crazy, right?). In my opinion, it's terrible, but maybe you'll like it? Anyway, hope you enjoy! Some of this stuff is old, but it's good, too. School, swimming, cubing, and math are taking up a lot of my life, but I'll find time for w...