Jonnor-PJ Masks
Catboy, Owlette and Gecko find a lost girl one night and help her, Catboy unexpectally beomes fond of her.
Catboy, Owlette and Gecko find a lost girl one night and help her, Catboy unexpectally beomes fond of her.
After Peter Parker was kidnapped and tortured by Loki as a method to hurt Tony Stark, Loki was sent to a prison in Asgard. But now he's back. And looking for revenge on the one person who deserves it least...
This is an attempt of writing a fan fiction. This includes my favourite characters together who never got to be together in the actual TV series. It's for HOPE MIKELSON and RYAN CLARKE. The bad boy and the super woman who had a very similar past both craved for their familys' love and acceptance. ❤️🤗❤️🤗❤️