The Strange one
A girl was sent to mad house for no reason and she meets Sweeney
• whenever i'm alone with you, you make me feel like i am whole again • When a woman begins working for Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney Todd can't help but notice the striking resemblance she bears to his late wife, Lucy. As new feelings begin to emerge, he starts to wonder if he really is in love with this new woman or if he's...
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own any characters, actors, script lines, quotes or anything else💈
Max -an orphan boy, is ten years old, but has had a rough life is taken in by a.... barber?! He doesn't know he's a murder. But what happens when one day his dad (Sweeney) comes up from doing his 'work' with a spot of blood on him... and will Sweeney kill the boy.....or not??? Deticated to my hero Mr. John for keeping...
You sir! Ask me questions about me, or dare me, nothing explicit or sexual or I may have to give you a 'shave'!
Willy Wonka isn't just the most accomplished and celebrated candyman in the world; he's secretly the world's most prolific drug lord. When a rival company threatens to eliminate him, Wonka, with help from a troubled young woman, must round up some of Miami's most dangerous criminals, and fight for his livelihood, repu...
Inspired by a quotev story I read but like changed • So sweenerz has wiped the Sweeney Todd movie from everyone's memory but yours because you are immune to it or whatever I dunno I'll figure it out later anyways, he has decided to take you out of 2017 or whatever year your reading this, in case you decide to go to th...
Už je to päť rokov čo Tayler zomrel, ale Samantha stále verí, že žije. Aj jej vlčica cíti jeho pach, aj keď je slabý. Jej rodina sa o ňu boji, tak ju posielajú žiť do iného mesta kôli zmene. Cestou stretne neznámeho chalana menom Aeron. Otázka znie, či je na strane dobra alebo zla. Tento príbeh je pokračovanie príbe...
Básne, citáty, kresby, maľby, fakty o vlkoch, či len relax pre všetky umenie milujúce vlčie duše :) 7.7.2019-1. v motivácia!❤
COMPLETED SHE WAS BRAVE AND STRONG AND BROKEN ALL AT ONCE Toto nie je typický príbeh. Príbeh o bielej vlčici menom Zafira, ktorá musí prejsť hrátkami osudu, aby ochránila svojich najbližších. Toto je len začiatok...