Sonic The Hedgehog: Desastre Primaveral [Traducido]
Traducción perteneciente a Sonic Team Argentina y Sonic Sunset
Traducción perteneciente a Sonic Team Argentina y Sonic Sunset
To understand certain events in this story, I recommend reading my Fanfic "Sweet FurBall"
The union of the Paradox Prism was carried out successfully. Against all odds, things turned out better than anyone could have expected. The different universes were able to preserve their existence but remain completely separated from each other. Maybe at this point it's best for everyone. However, there was someon...
Sonic IDW: Scrapnik Island La traducción pertenece a Sonic Team Argentina
En esta mini saga de cómics publicados por IDW se dejará el camino listo para el número 50 de la línea principal. Aquí conoceremos a dos nuevos personajes, Surge The Tenrec y Kit The Fennec. La traducción pertenece a Sonic Team Argentina
Cómic precuela de Sonic Movie 2 La traducción pertenece a Sonic Team Argentina