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  • Anxiety • part 1
    409K 9.2K 53

    I never thought an anxiety attack could be the best thing to happen to me. Rankings: #1 AshtonIrwin #2 Ashton #1 5SOS #1 5secondsofsummer #2 CalumHood #2 LukeHemmings #3 MichaelClifford #1 medicine

  • Anxiety • part 2
    196K 5.2K 71

    I never thought an anxiety attack could be the best thing to happen to me. Do not read without reading part 1 first, you won't understand half of it if you do.

  • after you left |ai|
    81K 2K 49

    I thought I had everything I could have ever dreamt of, the job, the house and you. But then you walked out on me and I don't know how to start over. You were everything I wanted, everything I needed and now you're gone. --------- Highest rank: #1 lukehemmings but it's an ashton irwin fanfic
