Learning English Grammar
For easy and further understanding the components of English Grammar
حتّى تبزُغَ شمسٌ في ظلمة اللّيل.. حتّى يسّاقط الثَّلج في أوجِ الرّبيع .. حتّى تغمر أمواجُ البحرِ الصحراء .. سأظلُّ أحبُّك. -JK نشرت: 11/06/2018 انتهت:03/09/2018 - قصة قصيرة
She doesn't care what every body thinks about her. She just wants to meet them. That's it. She knows many eyes are watching. She ignores them all, just to see them- see her beloved stars face to face. Besides, it's not like they can see her face. But she doesn't realize that 'he' is watching her too. He can't help it...
بين أحناء الضلوعِ له خافقٌ ملتاع، وعينان من لهفةٍ لا تنام. لعطفها عائزٌ حتّى النخاع ويذيقهُ علقمًا فوق غربتهِ الأنام. الغلاف من صنع الجميلة: Nuwrstn💕