The Perfect Awards [OPEN]
The Perfect Awards is for you! If you're discovered or undiscovered! Whether you have 100k reads or 75! The Perfect Awards is fair and just, we aim to provide the best stories with the recognition they deserve!
The Perfect Awards is for you! If you're discovered or undiscovered! Whether you have 100k reads or 75! The Perfect Awards is fair and just, we aim to provide the best stories with the recognition they deserve!
"Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his life is written large in his works" - Virginia Woolf Introducing the Roses & Violets Awards! Compete with many others to improve your work. Reach out to a wider audience and polish your writing. Bring out better ideas in yourself and...
2020 awards Thanks to @bbyrasberry for making the cover❤❤ Open[♡] judging[] closed[🖤] On hold
Open() Judging (✔) Closed () Hello! Welcome to my first contest on wattpad, the peach awards(2020). This awards is for all those awesome books on wattpad that doesn't get enough recognition. Feel free to enter and show the community what you've got. Genres Available: Romance General Fiction poetry Fan fiction Te...
status: open! Welcome to the first ever Lowkey awards! We accept all books and genres so sign up! 📖