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  • Belong With Me
    1.5M 45.8K 43

    Cameron isn't your typical girl, she's slightly more sarcastic, wears a large amount of graphic tees, loves American football, and can beat almost everyone in bowling. But what really sets her apart from most girls her age is her relationship with her next door neighbor Matt. While most girls make there way into his b...

  • It Happened Last Year
    2.4M 82.2K 53

    (Complete) After a terrible encounter at a party, one year later, Hailey Fonte is ready to return to her hometown. With everyone against her because of last year's events and horrible rumors, Hailey must overcome many hurdles, which includes coming face to face with her past tormentors more often than she would like...

  • This Girl
    1.4M 49K 65

    I turn around and look into his blue eyes, searching them. When I'm certain that he's not lying, butterflies erupt in my stomach and I gulp audibly. His fingers move from playing with the tips of my hair to my cheeks. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. His other hand moves from my waist to my jawline...

  • 1.1| Social Casualty
    638K 17.8K 44

    Alexandra Black has had everything she's ever wanted all her life. New clothes, shoes, cars, you name it. But what will happen when something she doesn't want, gets handed to her? Feelings for a certain Sebastian Kingsley. Sebastian Kingsley is the definition of bad boy. He's got the look, the style, the money, and h...

  • Wicked (WICKED #1) | ✓
    6.2M 255K 54

    "What, you don't think I'm a bad boy?" "We're in an camp for delinquents. They're all bad boys here." FIRST BOOK IN THE WICKED SERIES
