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  • Art Book 1
    3.1K 350 75

    This is a really cringe, kinda' old art book, with sketches of mine dating from 3/14/21 to 10/7/21. I have a new art book titled "Art Book 2." Also, I don't know why someone would put them in the comments, but I'm just going to say that inappropriate/crass comments will be deleted. Thanks.

  • ᵃʳᵗ ᵇᵒᵒᵏ
    533 34 6

    (likely discontinued, idk) Just me reposting my drawings on Wattpad! (my Instagram is @/atinytrashbag if you wanna check it out ✌️)

  • "Regular Art"
    2.2K 92 56

    I am going to post my rEgUlAr ArT here~ The cover is currently my lock screen wallpaper and I have no regrets~

    1.9K 190 46

    This is art I've made. It's self explanatory

  • Art Book
    86 2 7

    Just some art that I wanted to share A mix of unfinished sketches, finished traditional art, and digital art Tbh I'm not that good but I still wanted to share some of my stuff

  • Drawings and pictures 2
    731 150 62

    Ich stelle hier meine Zeichnungen und Bilder rein, die ich in den letzten Jahren gemacht habe.

  • My Weird Art Book 2
    2.3K 700 62

    [2021- (?) ] (it's been 3 years I'm still haven't done this book yet?! Did you see any improvement?? no I guess --- 2024) Hi! Welcome to my art book 2. Uhhh...I only draw when I'm motivated or something but most of the time I forgot to upload my artwork here. Anyway, I'm not an expert so my art is very terrible...

  • sad Poems
    416 47 20

    the title says it all and if you want to talk feel free to message me

  • Art!
    119 22 11

    art i guess

  • Art book!
    10.1K 764 30

    a book of all my drawings, paintings, and sculptures that I create! If I remember to take pictures...

  • Inktober
    32 7 2

    uhh its art? for october? with prompts?

  • Drawtober/Art Book I Guess
    121 13 9

    This is a drawing challenge that I'm giving myself!

  • Fanart
    25 2 1

    Fanart i make

  • Hamilton Art Dump
    441 29 8

    This is basically where I can just post my art if anyone enjoys my trash. Some are references to Lams books and some are my original ideas. If I find the time, I might make comics and write one-shots on here related to pictures I have just to experiment with storyboards before I attempt Webtoon. Enjoy!

  • Trash Art
    315 73 12

    The title says it all

  • just a ton of random shitty poetry i write at like 1 am
    525 75 32

    ↑exactly what that says↑ kinda (jk, really) depressing, so don't read too many at once! I hope you enjoy it!

  • Art book
    75 20 7

    A book where I put in all kinds of art :) All of them are mine~ Enjoy uwu ^-^

  • My Art Book
    300 55 10

    Read the title Why is this a thing idk

    48 10 1


  • Drawings
    2.4K 396 54

    I just wanted to put all my drawings somewhere other than scattered out across a bunch of different notebooks, feel free to give me feedback or advice on how to make my drawings better, thank you and enjoy! (They get better as you go along, I swear. And the more recent chapters are more likely to have more than one dr...

  • my art book!!
    1.5K 51 45

    It's exactly what the title says. Weather it be fan art, original characters, protects, digital, paper and pencil, whatever. It's still my art. ALSO THE STUFF SUCKS AT FIRST BUT I SERIOUSLY IMPROVE I PROMISE

  • Art And Random Shiz
    5.8K 731 128

    Yeah i was bored soo here

  • Art book (but it's actually art this time)
    786 95 24

    Mostly gonna be south park and sanders sides

  • My Shitty Art
    3.3K 311 45

    I draw my OC's, characters from stories, Sanders Sides, and if you want to you can give me ideas for drawings. *+:。.。JR。.。:+*

  • Art Book
    19 2 1

    Rye bread inspired me :))))))