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  • I D E N T I T Y
    5.2K 781 31

    What would it feel like to wake up one day and find out your whole life was a dream? Peyton Comber has been in a coma for three years. But that's not the worst part: She lived an entire life inside of that coma. She was Olivia Wright: Amazing artist, class favorite, and valedictorian. But that was all just a trick of...

  • Every Wattpad Story EVER
    32.1K 1.9K 19

    !!COMPLETED!! Ever wanted to read every wattpad story ever made in a few clicks? No? Well, I wasn't asking you. ... Yes? That's what I thought. Well, here you are! Every book genre, story, and scenario covered in the hallowed digital pages of the is e-book. Read at your own risk, I do not take responsibility for any l...

  • Legend
    242 34 8

    Making friends has never been easy for Liv Snockey. So when she has to move to Australia she is livid. Well until she meets the twins, then she thinks everything will work out. Boy was she wrong! Will Liv be able to learn the ways of the Enril? With the help of her friends will she be able to complete their task...