gta 5 oc's x rwby As Shit Here We Go Again
Jesse and his friends tessa Ben and Kevin are doing a heist. but the heist is from the woman from the humane raid. she said there a boat of the bay. little did they know there fucked.
Jesse and his friends tessa Ben and Kevin are doing a heist. but the heist is from the woman from the humane raid. she said there a boat of the bay. little did they know there fucked.
this is like a multi verse where jesse does something. this is like universe 93 while the rwby one is universe 1. so anyways jesse way in the mountains of Siberia none know not even the crew. he finds a dungeon but what's in there is for him. yes there will be a female but jesse is not a dragon born.
Hi I'm jesse this is universe 36. Jesse is done with his heists he has more money then he could ever spend. he owns what he wanted. he travels the world on his yacht code name "lalya" on day while he was off the cost of Japan a familiar face came on his boat. agent 14 he says this score will make the history books. je...