Dangerous | Nagito Komaeda x reader (Complete)
Is Nagito really dangerous to be around? Or does he just need to be loved?
Is Nagito really dangerous to be around? Or does he just need to be loved?
Charlotte has been living with Donald and the triplets a few months after being saved from the streets and has remained in the same spot since her arrival: the couch/kitchen table. She's lied there for months, curled up in a ball and not saying a word to everyone else. Donald and the triplets have tried everything to...
Desconcierto e incertidumbre rondaba por la misteriosa sala. Todas las personas presentes al verse de reojo gritaron por ayuda y temieron lo peor al explorar la extraña habitación donde despertaron aquella peculiar mañana. No obstante, el más curioso de todo el grupo ignoró los gritos de sorpresa de sus acompañantes y...
Traducciones sobre algunas cartas de Alexander Hamilton y John Laurens. Portada: @J4ck3l1n3