Old friends
Moja prvá kniha. Dúfam že sa vám bude páčiť. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Moja prvá kniha. Dúfam že sa vám bude páčiť. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Túto knihu chcem venovať silverhair23 MonikaPolakova2 †Pre vaše dobro to nečítajte... Táto kniha bola napísaná na želanie a bola vyžiadaná v češtine, takže predom sa ospravedlňujem za to, čo som písala... Najradšej by som túto knihu vymazala :DD R.I.P váž zrak...†
Kluk jménem Toby Rogers bude na útěku kvůli své nepozornosti. Bude však pronásledovaný někým, kdo se brzy stane jeho druhou rodinou. Čas bude plynout velmi rychle a Toby se bude čím dál tím rychleji dozvídat co je jeho druhá rodina zač a co se z něj za ten čas stalo.
"What are you hiding?" asked Toby with an eyebrow raised. M/n bit his lip and looked away from him "that's something you have to figure out yourself"
Just your average day at school. Then one day a new student come and turns you hell around.
Before Toby killed his Father, His Mother got pregnant with you. Your mother would never tell you about Toby, only Lyra. But what happens when you find out about Your older brother?
~"The wind tugged at your hair as you sat on a bench and read your book. You had an uneasy feeling, like you were being watched, but you ignored it. You didn't know he was behind you."~ Living with your drunken mother had been a living hell. Everyday, you wished for nothing more than to leave. One night when you're ho...
[Completed] Y/N is a 17-year-old girl who has been isolated in a Mental Institution for 3 years now, every passing hour becoming a blur. Days are long, but nights are even longer. She's trapped in her small room, in her head. There is no escape. The closest she can ever get to the outside world is by looking out the s...
Just a simple party with friends can trigger something deep inside of you but this may attract certain attention.
Prosím... Nepište mi, že ničím Creepypastu. Tahle knížka je jen moje představa, jak by to vypadalo, KDYBY se Toby zamiloval. Toť vše... Zoe žije tichý život v ústraní. S lidmi nemluví a jediná normální osoba v jejím životě je její matka. Obě však mají problém s matčiným přítelem Williamem, který se vrací domů opilý a...