A Reluctant Schoolgirl
Joe was 13 years old when he was caught upkirting at school. Not even in his wildest imagination could he have forseen how it was going to affect his life.
Joe was 13 years old when he was caught upkirting at school. Not even in his wildest imagination could he have forseen how it was going to affect his life.
When little boys get caught expressing an interest in their mothers and sisters clothes there has to be a lesson taught, or so Albert's parents believed. They wanted to get their son help, to help their son overcome this desire and never want to put on a stich of female clothing ever again. After much research Albert...
Young Carl sustains a terrible accident as a child. A life altering accident that will change the trajectory of his adult life. There are several directions his future could now go, none of which anyone would ever have wished on him at birth. Approaching adolescence, Carl is presented with with his first choice about...
This is set 2 years after the show and is the sequel to the first story I made (Are You Sure?), it is also the alternate timeline to the other story I made with the same name.