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  • Forgiveness Is a Must
    0 0 1

    "Why do you feel nothing after your loved ones forgive you for a mistake?" When we hurt someone, even if only with words, we regret it, but we also take their love for granted afterwards. We say we're sorry and ask for forgiveness because it seems normal to us, it makes us feel better, and we know very well that they'...

  • Dorința Morții
    6 0 1

    Această poveste reflectă gândurile negre pe care le-am avut fiecare dintre noi măcar o dată de lungul vieții noastre. Acele gânduri rele care te chinuie și nu te lasă să dormi noaptea, făcându-te să te devalorizezi singur mai mult decât ai fost devalorizat de cei din jurul tău. (Dacă empatizezi cu această poezie, sau...

  • Dancing to the Feeling
    3 1 1

    This poem represents to a certain extent my story, how music and dance are a part of me, even if I am a person with two left feet. I love music and I love to dance, it's my passion. Even if I don't know how to dance, I'm still going to keep dancing, because that makes me happy.

  • Singurătate, iad sau eliberare?
    1 0 1

    Singurătatea este o stare emoţională cu multe feţe, nu înseamnă doar depresie şi izolare, cu toate că de cele mai multe ori când te simţi singur parcă eşti izolat de toţi şi toate, şi atunci depresia te cuprinde, există şi cazuri în care singurătatea este o dorinţă a omului şi o salvare a sinelui. Doar pentru că te si...

  • The Words
    1 0 1

    Words can be good or bad, just one word can heal or kill you. We need to learn how to use the words because their power is the most powerful weapon.

  • Depression
    5 1 1

    Depression is a feeling that every person faces at some point. The feeling caused by depression is difficult to overcome, but not impossible, you just have to trust yourself and only think about the things that make you happy.

  • Love
    2 0 1

    Love is a complicated emotion that can be interpreted in diverse way, but the heart can't be controlled and will always look for her other half.

  • Your Eyes
    2 0 1

    You can lie to make someone happy, but your eyes are always reflect the truth untold.

  • My Mother, My precious treasure
    25 0 1

    This is a poem I made for my mother on International Women's Day. This poem describes my mother from my point of view, as her child.
