Hilwa Haroun, a spirited girl from a small town in Nigeria, relocates to the bustling city of Abuja, hoping for a fresh start and new opportunities. However, adapting to her new life proves to be a challenging journey filled with unexpected twists. As she navigates the fast-paced lifestyle and the complexities of a bl...
The lives of Maryam, Yusuf, Zainab and Abdallah. How are they connected? Read to find out! * #1 in Arewa #1 in Muslim #1 in Maryam #1 in Zainab #1 in Yusuf #1 Abdallah #3 in Nigerian The first few chapters of this story are a little bit cringy and I must admit, poorly written so read at your own risk! But as you go...
Ta tafka babban kuskure a rayuwarta... Shin zata iya gyara wannan kuskuren ko kuwa??