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  • He Has Chosen You
    59.6K 6.6K 72

    ﷽ وَجَاهِدُوا فِي اللَّهِ حَقَّ جِهَادِهِ هُوَ اجْتَبَاكُمْ وَمَا جَعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ مِنْ حَرَجٍ مِّلَّةَ أَبِيكُمْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ هُوَ سَمَّاكُمُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ مِن قَبْلُ وَفِي هَٰذَا لِيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْكُمْ وَتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ فَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتُوا الزَّكَاةَ وَ...

    40K 3.6K 87

    For the sake of Allah. (If these reminders helps you then please make dua for me)

  • Deal everything with mercy
    10.3K 1.2K 134

    ﷽ السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اَهْلاًوَسَهْلاً تألمت .تعلمت .فتغيرت: (I suffered, I learned, I changed) This book contains motivational incentives which can help us to stabilize the inner chaos brought by the worldly fluctuations ! Life is pretty short be humble, offer love in abundance , pardon and forgive the...

  • BAHISHTI ZEWAR (Heavenly Ornaments)
    850 85 9

    "Not everyone are pure in this world... Human beings are tend to do the sins".... Am here with rules and regulations of daily life being a practical muslimah in sha Allah!!! Trying to spread the knowledge I have known between my prophets ummah!!! :-) I hope you will cooperate with me in sha Allah!!!

  • Mountains of merits-Paves way to jannah!
    3.7K 861 109

    Being quarantined It is a best way to pray for the world to loose ourselves in the waves of good deeds To get closer to Allah Can we control the world nor the time but the only thing we could ever do Is to pray to the most merciful And he could calm the shuttering world We always took things for granted every single t...

  • Stories From The Quran
    21.7K 1.4K 8

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" In sha Allah Will be sharing stories behind the revelation of surahs from the Quran. 1|8|16

  • My Daily Devotion (Book 3)
    31.2K 905 200

    God's Word is a secret for a better life. We need to meditate on it day and night. And for sure ourlives will become more useful and meaningful in our daily living. This is my personal daily devotion that I will share to everyone for impartation of God's revelation on me. But still, I pray to all of my readers that yo...

  • Feär Alläh(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)
    36.6K 2.9K 35

    The help of Allah s w.t is near, but how near are you to Allah s.w.t? This book is full of Islamic collection of reminders for the believers which were not written by me. Please vote and comment.Thank you

  • Some Things You Should Know As A Muslim
    48.8K 3.4K 13

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamualikum brothers & sisters This book contains Question & Answers about Qur'an, Prophets & other things. These are the fundamental things about Qur'an that every Muslim should know. Hope we can learn a lot from this book about the glorious Qur'a...

  • 7 Tips For Single Muslimah
    50.7K 3.7K 8

    Bismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamualikum brothers & sisters 7 Tips What To Do If you're Conscientious Muslim Want To Get Married but is still Single. It IS A hard position to be in. You want to connect with someone at the deepest level of intimacy spiritually, physically, int...
