رومانتكا قصة تدور حول فتاة كاتبة عن الحب وافعاله ولكن لم تجربه من قبل الى حد ما رأت روميو الشب الوسيم الذي حقق لها حلمها
رومانتكا قصة تدور حول فتاة كاتبة عن الحب وافعاله ولكن لم تجربه من قبل الى حد ما رأت روميو الشب الوسيم الذي حقق لها حلمها
قصّة فتاة تعيش في مكان لا يعرفه إنسان، لديها الكثير من الأسرار تخفيها عن أقرب الناس لها خوفا من أن ينادونها بالمجنونة. حيث تعيش وعد، عالم آخر، لا يمكن لأي أحد أن يتخيّله. ما الذي قد يحدث لعالمها إذا اكتُشف من قبل أشخاص أشرار؟ هل ستتمكن وعد من حماية عالمها السحري؟
Betrayed by the people she once loved, cared for, and protected, Queen Gatria is determined to make everyone suffer and feel her wrath. With the intent of saving her sisters while executing her revenge, can the Mistress of Nature carry out her plans and succeed in time? ****** Finally free from being held captive for...
A story about a Girl who was travelling to a village to meet her friends, but she suddenly disapeared without any notice. Only One of Three guys knows where is she.
The story that took place in the outer space, while Steve went up in a searching mission to find the Lost Universe,... what happened after he get throwned as the King of the Lost Universe?
A very special Detective and a professional Prosecutor who met in the Bloody Forest while working on a special case: " finding a murderer who turs into a sirial killer ". And while working on this case, they will find a very strong secret bloody spirits who needs to be freed before the Bloody Moon season.
NABI's universe is a Lost Universe that no one knows where it could be or how to find it. A special astronaut who was sent into a solo mission to the space was found lost in it. What will happen?
Jerry is an Idol who wished to escape from his busy world to feel a bit relaxed and run away from his stress, but in a very special way, his world changed
A girl who lives in her own shell, don't like to get out of it for some reasons, but suddenly, she broke the whole shell and start discovering the world arround her because she met a different guy who will change her life 360°