Sons and Daughters of Spiderman
For Some reason many children of Spiderman who are overpowered were transported into Earth 616 by mysterious hands that come out of nowhere
For Some reason many children of Spiderman who are overpowered were transported into Earth 616 by mysterious hands that come out of nowhere
Peter Parker and his family are thrust into the world of myths as a ancient enemy is rising and friends become foes. Yet their family will also began to grow bigger as Peter discovered his past lives from Ancient Greece that make even the beautiful goddess fall for the Spider-Man.
the superhero registration act, the cause of the civil war....Peter believed that he did the right thing when he joined Iron Man's side and unmasked himself to the world, but he was so wrong. His Aunt May is in the hospital, the civil war continues to escalate, former friends and allies are at each others throats, and...
Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man se enfrentaba a los 6 Siniestros conformados por el Dr. Octopus, Electro, Volture, Rhino, Scorpion y Sandman para detener su inesperado y exagerado intento de destruir al mundo. Uno a uno Spidey fue venciendolos hasta quedar mano a mano con Otto quién antes de caer vencido activo su máquina...
"no se cómo llegué aqui pero estoy seguro de algo , estaré rodeado de locas...."
Peter Parker estaba tranquilo , por fin había tenido un poco de paz después de ciertos sucesos pero un toque en su puerta cambiaría todo.....
La historia sucederia tras el incidente donde todo Nueva York se transformo en arañas monstrous donde se soluciono el prblema y donde harry salvo a su padre.
Luego de que Peter recuperara su cuerpo y que Otto destrozara su vida Heroica y personal intenta arreglarlo sin tener en cuenta de que muchas hijas apareceran.
"No se como pero perdí mis poderes después de aquella revelación , sin embargo no estoy triste , saber que puedo elegir algo mejor para mi , es algo que siempre anhele...."
Despues de la guerra de los duendes y la muerte de su amigo Otto Octavius , Peter Parker perdio Familia,Amigos, Aliados y también un Amor, pero cuando la vida te lo quita todo tambien te lo puede devolver los personajes son propiedad de Marvel Studios Idea planteada por @Israel335_dark Desarrollada Por Mi
Bueno esta es mi primera historia así que cualquier recomendación es bienvenida. Sabían que las arañas tienen ciclos de apareamiento porque yo no y bueno nuestro amigable vecino aprenderá de primera mano que se parece mas a una araña de lo que el cree mientras interactúa con muchas mujeres del universo Marvel.
su tío siempre le dijo que un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad pero si sobre el cae una responsabilidad tan grande que se ve obligado a adaptarse y cambiar. si hace unos meses le decían que estaría cuidando a su hija perdida en el tiempo se reiria de ellos podría tener problemas para equilibrar su vida per...
Several students, parents, scientists, and mutants are transported in their sleep to a large room with a TV. They're told to watch a movie, which will reveal life changing secrets and heartbreaking revelations about one of their nearest and dearest friends. Can they figure out why Peter is so depressed after all? Movi...
After the events of Superior Spider-Man, Peter Parker's life went upside down. The Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the Web-Warriors, the X-Men, and even his aunt May started despising him. He was called so many bad names that he disappeared without leaving a trace. Some days later, Crime has taken over New York, and the...
The awaited character's reaction to the Bloodwrath is finally here. The characters will be transported to a theatre before the battle with Superior Spiderman, to react to their future and the bloody nature of a man who loses everything. All characters are owned by their respective owners except the plot.
The uni force choose him and with great power comes great responsibility of many women
In order to save the world, Peter Parker aka Spider-Man decides to marry Lady Death, a former human turned Death Goddess. Hopefully he'll survive the experience.
This story is for ages 18 & up. This is not an MCU fanfic. This is one of those "Superior Spider-Man" trope Fanfics. But there's a twist to it. In this one, some of the characters, that act OOC, are more true to the personalities of the characters. Such as Cyclops being a better person, She Hulk being a jokester like...
After the events of superior man, Peter was betrayed by all his allies and belittled by everyone he knew and loved except for a select few. He decided to quit being spiderman and focus on running his company but when chaos ensues in new York, people die and the avengers, xmen and fantastic 4 can do nothing to stop it...
The marvel heroes and earth see what happened to peter after he dissapeared.
Tony and reed with the help of dr strange make a machine that project a perfect life
all the story ideas I have on spiderman related stories or spiderman crossover stories
peter parker sent to another dimension where he will fund love and happiness. note: I was asked to do the story without reactions.