Heaven Warrior
"Just fight a little while longer baby boy." "I'm tired."
After a drug addicted mother and her daughter is separated from an alley raid, six year old Zahara learns to fend for herself. From eating out of trash cans to bathing in gas station bathrooms, a bonnie and clyde couple finds Sahara in the alley. Will they leave her? Or will they change and take her in? Read to find...
I found my homie and my best friend I'mma be there for ya till the very end No matter what, no matter what , no matter what.
Jason and Diamond's story is over (sort of) and it's time for the next generation to go on this journey called Life. IMPORTANT: You NEED to follow to read chapter 21 (Link to chapter is in my bio on my profile.)
A spin-off to Ramona Park Legend. This will overlap that story. To better understand this story it is suggested that you read the original story. cut.throat 1. a murderer or other violent criminal. 2. fierce and intense; involving the use of ruthless measures. In some people's eyes Joey was way different from his cous...
Here is yet another new short story that popped into my head :) Also featuring some characters from my "Thug Love Series" Hope Y'all Enjoy !
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland to a single struggling mother of four. Last year, in the midst of a mental breakdown, I began writing. I wrote in hopes of understanding my depression. I wrote to calm my ever present anxiety. I wrote to acknowledge the part of me that was hidden and my obligation to expose her. Many...
"Put bro on yo head for a band or two, I know he'll handle you."
Aaron Turner had come to terms with his bisexuality at the age of fifteen. His first real relationship was with the man he'd always wanted and it was something he'd never wanted to end. But like most teenage relationships it didn't last long and they eventually went their separate still holding a soft spot for one ano...
This is the tenth and final book to my Thug Love Series. Follow through the eyes of the uprising second generation as they establish themselves in the drug game and figure out themselves, more importantly where there trust lies and who they can invest their trust in. Hope Y'all Enjoy! -A.Simmons -Miss G?